Things To Know About The Fit To Fly Covid Test

Fit To Fly Covid Test

At present, a lot of airlines as well as countries of the world require a negative PCR test for you to enter, and a COVID test for travel is suitable for your airline as proof that you do not have the Covid-19. A  PCR test is the gold standard laboratory test, and it is the short form for Polymerase Chain Reaction. This test looks for an antigen, the hallmark if you like of a target, in this case, and in this case it is the COVID-19 virus.

A PCR swab test has a minimum sensitivity of 98% and a specificity of 100%. The test costs about $120 and will be dispatched to you in the post by your chosen shipping method. Taking this test has become a lot easier with instructional videos as well as a scannable QR code to help you get the most from your test.

It is recommended to purchase your fit to fly covid test in advance of travel in order to have peace of mind that you can take the swab at a time that is suitable for you as well as your airline. There are some airlines that require the sample no sooner than seventy two hours before departure, but there are some that are significantly less flexible.

Keep in mind that it is your responsibility to make sure that kit is used correctly and that the test is taken at the right time for your airline as well as the destination country. When you get the fit to fly Covid test kit, you need to unpack it. Inside the kit, you will find an instruction leaflet with a scannable QR code for a demonstration video as well as the swabs that are required to take a sample.

For more information on the fit to fly covid test, visit our website at